Move from “the life you’re living” to “the life you love”, by eliminating uncertainty, focusing your resources and rallying your allies.
Let Me Introduce You to “Your Future You”
I help you to truly feel alive and enjoy what you do – most of your days. Even normal tasks and chores will bring you pride and a sense of accomplishment. Because everything you do will serve your true values.
Even mundane tasks bring joy, when they serve a worthy purpose. You will act with confidence, because you understand what you want, how to get it and which allies* will support you. And most importantly: You will reach your goals.
*Allies are key to your success. More on this later. But first:
Does this sound like you?
- You find obstacles for every solution.
- You have a dozen great ideas, but you don’t act on any of them.
- You have one very good idea, but you spent your days „researching“ – without ever doing something that will get you to your goal.
- You make a firm commitment to start, but it is followed by a dozen qualifiers. („Once I got a job“, „once I got a babysitter“, „when I feel better“, etc.)
- You would love to make “this one change” in your life, but you feel like a fraud for even dreaming about it. („There are so many people who are better at this…“)
- You want something new, but you are afraid that you will fail and lose what you already have.

Hello, my name is Chris Pyak. I’ll tell you about myself later on. Before I do this I want to give you some good news, though.
If you feel uninspired by your current life, but you don’t know how to change your destiny: There is a proven way to bring the spark back into your life – and keep it burning.
Here are some wonderful people and what they did with their lives through my method:
- “I wanted creativity in my life. Now I am a painter in Spain.” (Eugenia)
- „I wanted freedom. Now I roam the world as a digital native.“ (Stefan)
- “I had already given up on love. Now I’m married for 13 years.” (Chris)
- “I wanted money. Now I run a business that my neighbours envy.” (Lucia)
- “I wanted to reclaim my self-determination. Now I’ve got my degree and a professional career – after twenty years as a housewife.” (Anette)
I will share with you what exactly they did to change their lives. But first, let me tell you…
How to NOT change your life
When people feel the way that you feel now, they usually do one of three things:
- First, they do nothing. This doesn’t change anything and it makes them feel like a failure. So, even not doing something actually makes things worse.
- The second option is to do something. That’s definitely an improvement. But often people pick an attractive goal and then search for a way to reach it. What they find is “what everybody does”. And so, they try that. The problem here: You are not „everyone“. You are you.
For example: Imagine someone who wants to start their own business. “What everybody does” is to go to instagram and tiktok and post stories about their wonderful life. And Instagram forces you to do this Every. Single. Day.
Now imagine you were an introvert: The method certainly works – but would it work for you? How long could you continue this approach, before you would hate every second of your life? Can you succeed long-term if you have to fight against your deepest instincts all the time?
Additionally: This approach will get you somewhere. But way too often you realize: I got what I wanted, but it’s not what I expected. You are still not happy.
- The alternative is to turn inwards. That’s the third option. Psychology, self-help or religion will give you a deep understanding of your true values and desires. You might have perfect insight into your inner world. But you do… …nothing.
Your actual life in the physical world doesn’t improve. „Think positive“ is nice, but it gets you nowhere. The secret of „The Secret“ is that it makes you feel better. It doesn’t actually make your life better.
Solve better problems
My solution will not turn your life into a Disney movie. No carefree dancing through the forest. No little birdies landing on your shoulder and chirping a duett with you. (You might find seven dwarfs to support you, though. I’ll get to that.)
But I will help you to truly feel alive most of your days. Because you will have purpose and a mission. You will act with confidence because you have a long list of “solved problems” that prove how capable you are.
And: You will actually get what you want. No matter if you want to have better health, gain a fortune, find true love or have impact on the world through art or charity: You will achieve your goal! And here is how…
The Problem Ladder
You’ve probably heard of the „real estate ladder”: You buy your first cheap apartment, wait till the prices rise, then sell it. You then use the profit as a downpayment for your first house, and then do the same for your next (and better) house.
Well, problems work in a similar way.
Every problem you solve triggers automatically a new, but better problem. You still have to solve problems, but they are more rewarding, more “profitable” than the previous ones.
Problems are not obstacles – they are a roadmap. They show you exactly where you stand in regards to your goal.
I’ll help you climb the “problem ladder” until you reach your goal.
Wouldn’t You Happily Trade Each of These Problems For The Next One?
Remember: Every problem you solve automatically triggers a new, but better problem.
Once you understand this, problems become your friend. They tell you that you made progress.
The Four Quests of Your Life
The problems above can be sorted into four main quests for your life:
- Know what you really want.
- Know which of your goals you should address first.
- Know how you will reach your first goal.
- Actually do it.
Solve all four steps and you win. But more importantly: While you work on solving your problems, you feel alive and capable most of the time – because all your actions serve your purpose.
You will enjoy the journey – and not just the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
And then, when you reached this first goal, you ask yourself:
5. What do I want next?
And then you go through all the stages again – with your next project. Rinse and repeat.
The Curious Case of the HP Women or “How I discovered the Circle of Seven”
Several years ago I got hired by Hewlett Packard to conduct a training series with their employee “Women’s Network”. This is a group of women in the company who help each other to progress in their career.
When we met to discuss my offer, I asked: “What do you want to be different after we finish our program?”
The Objective
It became instantly clear that they weren’t interested in “motivation” or “knowledge”: They wanted results. They wanted their careers and their lives to be measurably better.
My Own Problem
My challenge in this situation: You can coach one person on her goal. You can coach a group on a common goal. But how do you coach twenty women on twenty different goals – together?
The Insight
I thought long and hard about the best strategy. In the end it was the off-hand remark of a female friend who turned the light bulb on in my head. She said:
“I don’t need work. I need money.”
Of course! The important thing is the goal – and not the process. Start with the goal and then find the most direct route towards this goal. No distractions! Then check for hidden obstacles and opportunities, find allies and: execute.
How We Did It
This is how the Circle of Seven was born. I have used this setting many times since, but I am still blown away by how quickly my clients get what they want.
This is what we did:
Every week we would get together. One after the other each of the women would get her moment in the limelight. The “hot seat” as we called it.
She would tell us about her goal. She would tell us which problems she faced and which concerns she had. She would also share which solutions she considered and which open questions she wanted advice on.
Then, one after the other, each of the other women in the group would respond to her. They were not allowed to give advice. They were only allowed to ask questions. Questions with the aim to understand. This regularly led to incredible insights.
Then the “microphone” would return to the woman in the hot seat. She would give us more insights into her plans, based on the thought process that the questions triggered in her.
A second time each of the other women would respond. Again, they weren’t allowed to give advice – just to ask questions in order to better understand.
The mike goes back to the woman in the hot seat. More insights, more adapted plans.
Third round: Finally, the other women in the group are allowed to give their advice – and to offer help and introductions to people who might be useful.
After this, the next women in the group would take the hot seat and the same procedure started again.
The Results
The results were mindblowing. One of the women in the group had been trying to get a promotion for over two years – and was always blown off by her supervisor. She felt completely stuck and was considering leaving the company. One question solved her problem:
“Why do you apply only for promotions in Germany?”
Hewlett Packard is a truly international company. Teams consisted of members from all around the world. The thought that she could simply apply for a fitting position in another country and still do her work from her home in Düsseldorf had simply never occurred to her.
In our next session she reported that she had applied for a promotion with a team in the United States. The week after that she celebrated with us her new title, her additional authority and a substantial raise. All things that she had long deserved.
She reached her goal. So did the other women, even though their personal goals varied wildly: A better career, the ability to run a marathon, the chance to move abroad – hell, one wanted to find a rich husband (and got one). They all made their lives better and happier!
The Circle of Seven is an extremely powerful tool to help you reach your goal. Because the combined wisdom of seven people helps you find the shortest route to your goal and discover hidden dangers in advance – while investing the shortest amount of time.
This is why I use this format in the “Remove doubt and get shit done” program.
You will love it!*
(*Another thing I learned from working with these extraordinary women: When women are among themselves, they have fun and they talk “freely”. I am fifty years old, but I still blush remembering some of their jokes. Matter of fact: I’m blushing right now.)
The “Remove Doubt and Get Shit Done” Program
Here is what we will do together: You will reach your first important goal – and I will help you every step along the way. My “Remove Doubt and Get Shit Done” program has four steps:
1. Quiz
Discover what really drives your life. You will take a fun quiz that takes only three minutes. This quiz is designed to “hack” right into your subconsciousness and discover what you actually want from life. Our intellect tells us how we reach our goals. But which goals to reach: That is a matter of your heart. Or rather: Your hormones.
At the end of this step you have successfully solved this problem:
Invested time: Three minutes
2. Mini Video Course
Define goals for all areas of your life. Choose one. You will take a short “self-coaching” consisting of two pre-recorded video sessions. Do the exercise in each of the two videos. At the end you know which concrete goals you want to pursue in each area of your life (Finance, Relationship, Health, Society etc.). You will also know which goal you will tackle first. (Usually the one that offers the biggest or fastest improvement of your life quality.)
At the end of this step you have successfully solved these problems:
Invested time: 2x 15 minutes
3. Individual Coaching Sessions
Develop your concrete plan. You will take three individual coaching sessions with me. (More about me later). In these three lessons I help you decide:
- The step-by-step roadmap to reach your goal.
- Which tools & methods you use.
- Who are important allies in your quest.
- Which unexpected resources you can utilise.
- Which hidden dangers you need to defuse & how.
At the end of the individual coaching you have a concrete step-by-step plan. You are ready to act. You have solved these problems:
Invested time: 3x 1 hour
4. Circle of Seven
Get Shit Done. You will implement your plan and get what you want. But be assured: Something will go wrong. People will let you down. Unexpected problems will appear. That’s why I keep supporting you with guidance during twelve group video calls.
You will discuss and find solutions for the unexpected problems – or opportunities – that appeared while you were “doing your thing”. You will also receive feedback from the other (up to seven) participants in the “Circle of Seven”. And learn from their stories.
These live sessions are an important insurance policy against overlooking hidden dangers, missing out on opportunities or simply giving up when times are tough. We are seven extra brains and backbones to help you reach your goal.
Additionally you can write to me with every “yes or no” question that you might have and get fast feedback during the week.
At the end of the Circle of Seven you have achieved your first important goal – because you solved these problems:
Invested time: 12x 2.5 hours
Now, I told you a lot about what we could achieve together – and how exactly we would do it.
But what matters in life is not only what we do, but also with whom. So, it’s time to tell you a little bit about myelf:

About Chris Pyak
My name is Chris Pyak and I am a German writer, strategy advisor and an expert in immigration and international career change.
In the last thirteen years I focussed my coaching business on helping international professionals find their first job in Europe.
Over 300 highly skilled individuals from around the world were able to start a new life in my continent, because they found a job with my help.
My expertise in helping people to successfully make major changes in their lifestyle has made me one of the top experts on international careers in Germany.
My work has been quoted by every quality media outlet in Germany. Handelsblatt, Wirtschaftswoche, Der Spiegel, ARD, ZDF or “Die Zeit” are just a few examples.
International media like the BBC, Le Monde or Deutsche Welle also quote me on these topics.
On A Personal Note…
It’s scary to make a major change in your life. I have been self-employed for close to three decades. I lived in seven different countries and worked in five different cultures. Each time I moved it was scary as hell.
But I realised that the worst, the most terrible faith that can befall you, is to get stuck in a life that has grown stale.
After working as a career coach for international professionals for thirteen years I recently made two major changes in my life:
I moved from Germany to Santander, in the North of Spain – and I sold my career coaching business to a former coaching client.
Just like you I am starting a new life. And I am excited about it.
(The opportunity to sell my longstanding business came unexpectedly – and honestly: Only after I sold it, did I realize how ready I was for a change.)
So, the “Remove doubt and get shit done” project comes to you from my own personal desire to start fresh and feel alive.
And I want to help you experience the joy that comes from finally acting on your dreams.
And that leads me to your opportunity:
An unexpected opportunity
You see, this project is a new offering. I just started it and you have the chance to be in the first group that gets to take advantage of this new format. Which is excellent news for you – for two reasons:
1. You get to book this project for a price that would be adequate for a relatively new coach. But I am a recognized expert with thirteen years of experience.
We will use the same strategies and methods that I used for over a decade to get people jobs – in a country that they had never lived in, where they didn’t speak the language and had no network to support them.
And still: I got them into jobs that usually paid between 75.000€ – 150.000€ for specialists and upwards of 200.000€ for managers. Talk about “tried and tested”? Check!
2. My program is designed to give live coaching in a group session of up to seven people. I call them the “Circle of Seven”.
The reason behind this is twofold: It allows me to offer my services for a lower price and it gives you, my clients, the opportunity to help each other with advice and recommendations.
If you book today, then you profit twice:
A) You pay me as I was a “new” coach, despite the fact that I am an expert with a thirteen years track record.
B) You pay me mostly for group coaching, instead of having to book more expensive individual coaching for the whole course.
Double win.
So, take advantage of this new opportunity while it lasts. Book the program below – simply by scheduling your first coaching session:
Quick Read: This is what you get
The “Remove Doubt and Get Shit Done” program will help you achieve one personal goal of your choosing. Here is what you get:
- Quick Quiz that will help you identify your core values and give focus to your strategy. (Time investment: 3 minutes)
- One (1) Self Coaching Course consists of two prerecorded video lessons plus exercises that helps you to clearly define your personal goals in all important areas in your life and to choose the one goal you want to achieve first.
(Time investment: 2×15 minutes)
- Three (3) individual coaching sessions with me, Chris Pyak. In these sessions we develop a concrete step-by-step plan towards your goal. And ensure that you don’t miss hidden risks or opportunities along the way. (Time investment: 3x up to 1h)
- Twelve (12) group coaching sessions in the “Circle of Seven” format (jump back here for more info) that will ensure that you follow through with your plan, find solutions for unexpected obstacles and reach your goal. (Time investment: 12x up to 2.5h)
Time Investment:
1. Individual Coaching: Start right away. Book a fitting time and date via the calendar.
2. „Circle of Seven“ group coaching: 12 Sessions between 1 August 2024 – 17 October 2024.
Financial Investment:
Normal price: 3997€
Your price: 2597€ (35% discount. Only for this first group!)
(Downpayment of only 697€ today. Final payment of 1900€ on 30 July 2024)
Start: Individual coaching immediately (you pick a date for the first coaching session in the calendar below. Group coaching: Starting from 1th of August 2024)
*Please note: This program is offered only twice per year. I take on only seven clients per program. Next program starts on the 30th of July 2024.
There are 7 5 seats left. Secure your seat now!
Let’s Start Now So You Can Get What You Truly Want Out of Life! Book by Using the Calendar Below!
This is what you should do next:
1. Choose time and date for your first individual coaching session with me via the calendar below.
2. The second step of the booking will take you to PayPal so that you can secure your seat for the “Remove Doubt and Get Shit Done” program.
3. Today you pay only for the individual coaching part of the program. You can have the first individual coaching session right away. (Choose a free date via the calendar below.)
4. The final payment for the “Circle of Seven” group coaching is due only on 30 July 2024. That is the day before our first “Circle of Seven” session.
Good for you: Some clients only need the individual coaching to reach their goal. If you are one of them: Simply don’t pay the final payment – and I will be happy for you.
Now, schedule your first coaching session
As seen in